09 November 2018
Permissive Path Indicator Installed

Today Les Stather - Frome Parish Paths Liaison Officer - and I installed a shortened recycled "Public Footpath" notice indicating the way, as a permissive path, down from the Ramblers' Gate by the A362 to the Public Footpaths at the lower part of the Sledging Field.

With Frome's accreditation of "Walkers Are Welcome" more walkers are likely to visit the town. Walkers often like to follow public footpaths from maps, and the sign will assist with that, although of course we do not insist that public paths are followed within the three SOSWhatcombe Fields.

The link to "Walkers Are Welcome" on Frome Town Council's website can be found under "Links" on the menu left. Several businesses in Frome, eg The Cheese and Grain Café now display the Walkers Are Welcome signs. More should follow.


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