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Tree Planting January 2016

10th January 2016:

Following an offer to Ruth by Bob Ruthven of some small trees surplus to his requirements, a small group assembled at the notified hour of 10:30 at the top of the Whatcombe Fields at the “missing hedge” area.

We helped Bob to dig suitably sized holes, making sure that the stones from the former wall which ran along the road at this point, were nicely broken up under the small trees so that they might flourish. In due course we may be able to fence off the new plants so the cows can’t approach them too closely.

Bob Ruthven is a self-employed landscape gardener. To contact him please call 07964-620468. He is pictured in pictures 3 & 5 in dark jacket, with cap and yellow gloves.

Andrew Karkut and Ruth Knagg took several pictures:

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