02 July 2018
Topping Started - Please help!

Last week (end of June) Ian M. ran the topper over most of the swaithes of thistles over which the machine can be driven. The flowering tops of the thistles are cut off, and will not seed. Inevitably some escape, and it may be that the process will have to be repeated if some thistles manage to re-flower before the Autumn.

Above is the little field looking towards Whatcombe Farm - most thistles gone.

Ian is topping the large stand of mixed thistles below the cottage next to the A362 as I write this, but there are rougher pieces of ground the tractor and topper cannot access.

The remaining thistles are now much easier seen so may we politely request all who use the fields, to take some heavy gloves and pull some up when they are next there.  

If they have already seeded, ie the purple heads changed or changing to fluffy seed, the heads should cut off with secateurs and be taken away in a bag.

This work is being done by a very small number of people, (eg I.M. + J.Y. 6 man - hours this morning) and without extra consistent help thistles will remain a problem for years to come. Thank you in advance for any assistance.  JY





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