20 May 2018
New Welcome Signs

This morning I affixed new, updated welcome signs to the two kissing gates by the A362, and a replacement one at the SE corner of the Whatcombe Fields at the field gate and small pedestrian gate from the Low Water Farm fields. This latter notice had been damaged.

Graphics by Sally Harflett, Frome https://www.fromsallywithlove.co.uk

Printing and rear mounting by Compugraphic Design, Frome      http://www.compugraphicdesign.co.uk

However, just as the new signs arrived, there has now been vandalism of the original welcome sign fixed by the stile from the field near Whatcombe Farm into the lower part of the Sledging Field. The printed plastic sheet is completely ripped off, see picture 4.

I have replaced it temporarily with the "adjusted" one which was originally wrongly fixed to the field gate near the Jacks Lane junction which allows access for the grazier and cattle, and which is not a pedestrian entrance.

New notice attached to the Ramblers' Gate

New notice attached to Laurence's Gate.

Replacement notice on field gate between Sledging Field and Low Water Farm field

Vandalised sign at stile to Sledging Field

Temporary replacement for vandalised sign.

Well, it's better than nothing I suppose. It would be a lot better if ........ JY


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