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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 11/12/2024.
31 May 2017
Topper Repaired and Tested

Today I helped Ian M. lift the topper's cutting frame, and replace the worn main blade bolts after going to buy new ones. We had intended to start earlier, but due to the above were only in the Sledging Field at 15:45. The topper worked well, but the land topography does not allow it to be driven everywhere safely.

Areas which will still need thistle pulling and dock chopping are round the hedged borders, and the area at the side of T.H.White's down from the Vernal Lane kissing gates where the ground is uneven, where we have not cut. 

Also the very top of the Sledging Field on the right, a fairly flat area needs attention.

Required are thick gardening gloves for thistle pulling, and a spade to chop docks.

The rest of the Sledging Field is fairly clear. but odd pockets need attacking. JY & IM

Topper lifted to remove blade.

Blade removed - old large bolts in situ.

15:50 It Works.

Main Sledging Field Area Started.


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